
研究人体的神经系统以及它是如何影响行为的 神经科学学士:系统、行为和可塑性 in the College of Liberal 艺术 at Temple University. 神经科学是一个跨学科的领域,在多个层面上研究神经和大脑功能. 

In the Neuroscience BS program, 你将观察和参与正在进行的研究,在校园和外部研究站点. 你还可以使用最先进的设备和技术来研究基本的大脑过程, 学会运用你的知识和经验来治疗神经疾病.

In your coursework, you’ll study 

  • brain anatomy and physiology;
  • brain development and aging;
  • cellular dynamics;
  • diseases of the brain;
  • molecular genetics; and
  • relations between the brain and human behavior and cognition.

神经科学专业的课程也侧重于细胞的结构和功能, cellular and molecular neuroscience, chemistry, cognitive neuroscience, and neurobiology. 小班授课为学生提供了教师导师的个人关注以及与神经科学专家交流的宝贵机会. In addition, 神经科学专业允许您灵活地设计符合您特定兴趣领域的多学科课程,并帮助您在各种专业课程中获得经验. 

神经科学专业的学生是为健康科学专业学校做准备的, such as medicine and dentistry, and graduate programs in biology, chemistry, psychology and more.  毕业生也会发现他们的技能在法律和商业等领域很受欢迎,这些领域的公共政策问题可能需要对脑科学和人类行为的理解.


Classes & Curriculum

神经科学学士学位可以在四年内完成全日制学习. 文理学院要求学生修完123个学分才能毕业, 其中52- 54个学分是神经科学专业的一部分. This includes 25 credits in core Neuroscience courses, 参加院系的神经科学选修课程六至八个学分, and 21 credits of co-requisites courses in biology, chemistry and psychology.

Courses offered under this major include the following.

  • Cellular Neuroscience
  • Conducting Neuroscience Research
  • Development/Plasticity/Repair
  • Functional Neuroanatomy
  • Fundamentals of Neuroscience
  • General Chemistry
  • Statistics for Psychology
  • Techniques in Neuroscience
  • 的 Neurobiology of Disease

Students must complete a Capstone in Neuroscience course during their final semester. 我们也强烈鼓励学生参与研究,选修独立学习的课程,作为选修学分的一部分. 这些机会在威尼斯赌场网站各学院的几个实验室提供. 文科学院神经科学专业的学生也可以灵活地选择满足医学预科要求的课程.

Learn more about Neuroscience Major requirements.

Related Graduate Degrees

*College of Science and Technology 
**Lewis Katz School of Medicine
***College of Engineering

4+1 Accelerated Degree Program

的 +1 Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior and Plasticity BS + Neuroscience: Systems, Behavior and Plasticity MS 该项目为威尼斯赌场网站神经科学专业的优秀学生提供了在短短五年内获得学士和硕士学位的机会. Admission to the program is highly selective. 该计划旨在提供一个研究密集型的经验, 为有意攻读任何学术神经科学学科博士学位的学生提供高级课程和专业发展.


Tuition & 费用

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 理学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.

的se tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $18,864.00 per year
Out-of-state: $33,912.00 per year


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